With my guaranteed “home behavioural assessment and training” program, I will assess your dog and its environment and develop an individual training program that is perfectly tailored to you and your best friend.
I use gentle, but firm, methods that will determine the “how” and “why” of your dog’s behaviour and carefully explain it to you. This knowledge will help you to apply my methods and maintain your dog’s behaviour training, long-term. The aim of my customised at home behavioural modification training is to provide positive outcomes with fast results. I’m also more than happy to follow up with you after the training sessions!
Home obedience training is a personalised and customised solution for you and your dog. I’ll set up a private at home dog training session to address any dog obedience issues you may be having. I’ll not only teach your dog to behave the right way but I will also teach you how to ensure at home obedience is established and maintained.

My at home training will eliminate issues such as....


When treating a dog with separation anxiety, the goal is to resolve the dog’s underlying anxiety by teaching him to enjoy, or at least tolerate, being left alone. This is accomplished by setting things up so that the dog experiences the situation that provokes his anxiety, namely being alone, without experiencing fear or anxiety.

Destructive Behaviour

It’s normal for puppies and dogs to chew on objects as they explore the world. Chewing accomplishes a number of things for a dog. For young dogs, it’s a way to relieve pain that might be caused by incoming teeth. For older dogs, it’s nature’s way of keeping jaws strong and teeth clean. Chewing also combats boredom and can relieve mild anxiety or frustration.


Dogs bark excessively for numerous reasons including boredom, excitement, distress, territorial defence and fear and anxiety. Therefore the solutions to problem barking differ from one dog to the next. Remember that some barking is normal and is a way of communicating.

Aggressive Behaviour

Aggression can be successfully treated and managed. To do this however, it is critical to diagnose the type of aggression and its ‘triggers’ – the stimuli that provoke the aggressive behaviour.